Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pilgrim's Progress

For Christmas, my family got a newly released movie called Pilgrim's Progress - Journey to Heaven, based on the classic story by John Bunyan.

If you have never read Pilgrim's Progress, you really should! Its an allegory of the Christian life, and it really puts the Christian life in a new perspective. We are really on a journey, and along the way we face many obstacles, but it is all worth it in the end! We watched the movie as a family the other night, and it was really good! It has some modern adaptions, but the truths are all still there.

When I was in 9th grade, we did a study on Pilgrim's Progress in Bible class. Any of you fellow EBA alumni remember this book?!

Actually, it was one of my favorite studies because it helped me see the Christian life in a whole new light. I had just gotten saved at the beginning of that school year, so I really could relate to some of the things Christian was going through on his journey to the Cross.

Another part I really enjoy in both the book and the movie, is the part when Christian and his companion, Hopeful, end up in Doubting Castle. So often, in my Christian life, I end up in the horrible dungeon of this castle. Christian and Hopeful were there for days or maybe even weeks before they realized that they had the key to unlock the dungeon door all along! Around Christian's neck hung the Key of Promise. This key symbolizes God's promises to us as believers. It will unlock any door in our "Doubting Castles". And, indeed, it unlocked the door and they were again free to continue on in their journey.

I would definitely recommend watching this movie! I remember when we watched another movie version of Pilgrim's Progress in school, and it just wasn't the best quality and was kinda...ummm...cheesy? However, this movie has a lot of visual effects, and the message is A LOT clearer. Even if you have never read the book, the movie explains things in such a way that you will understand what is happening and how it relates to the Christian life.

Here is a trailer of the movie:

1 comment:

Kay said...

Oh My Word! Didn't pastor Wilhite teach that class? I remember filling out that book... We must have had to read Pilgrim about 4 times during eba...