Saturday, January 17, 2009

All I Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten

I have definitely discovered this saying to be true! Not only for my students, but also for me as their teacher!!! I have learned soooo much over these past 2 years teaching Kindergarten. Simple things, but important things! I am not necessarily talking about the reading, writing, and arithmetic part either!

Every morning we have a short Bible time before we start on our phonics/handwriting papers. Each week I post a new Bible verse on the bulletin board and we go over it every morning. Most of the verses are verses that have been put to song so it is easy for the children to remember them. (Mr. E anyone?) This week our verse was Joshua 1:9b and what a great verse it is!!!

After we either say and/or sing the verse, we discuss what the verse means. As we were talking about this verse this past week, I was just in awe as I remembered that, indeed, I don't have to be afraid no matter what happens in my life because the Lord is always with me!

When we are done saying our verse, I get out our Bible storybook. This is the book I generally use. The children love it because pictures replace some of the words, so they enjoy helping me read the story. It definitely keeps them focused on what the story is about!

This past week we were learning about David and Goliath. Yesterday we read the story out of the Bible storybook.

The stories are short - which helps with short attention spans - but after every Bible story, there is a "What Did You Learn?" section, with a simple statement about what we can learn from this particular Bible story. It often amazes me what the children come up with even before we discuss what the book says we learned about! After we read the story, I asked the children what we learned from the story. One of them said, "God is strong and Satan is weak!"

My kiddos often talk about the differences between God and Satan. When one child is not obeying, I will hear another child say something to the effect, "When we disobey, we are making the devil happy! We don't want to make him happy, we want to make God happy!" When I first heard it worded that way, I knew I had found a simple way to help them understand the seriousness of sin. At this age, they understand this truth: God is good; Satan is bad. Of course, they don't want to make the bad one happy! Oh, to have the simple faith and understanding of a child!

Anyway, after we discussed what we had learned from the story about David and Goliath, I looked down at the book's answer......

I nearly started crying when I read that! Such a simple truth, but what an amazing thought to ponder! I definitely needed to be reminded of that truth this week especially. Isn't it amazing how the Lord can use even a simple Kindergarten storybook to remind us of how amazing He is?!

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