Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In Celebration of My 100th Post...

...I wanted to do something fun with the number 100 – such a great EVEN number, isn't it?! So I decided to make a list – 100 Random Things About Me. Indeed, most of these things are VERY random. I spent last night typing out this list, so it was basically done in one setting. This just may give you a glimpse of how my mind really works – my thoughts can totally jump from one thing to another in a matter of seconds!!!

Do you have any idea how challenging it is to come up with 100 different things about yourself? Well, I did my best. Enjoy! :D

1. I love golden retrievers.
2. I have lived in the same house all my life, though I have not had the same bedroom.
3. I love white roses.
4. I am tall...which is a constant pet peeve of mine.
5. My favorite colors are purple and green.
6. I went to my church's school from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
7. I am 23 years old.
8. My dream vacation would be going back to Prince Edward Island!
9. I actually like my handwriting.
10. I don't like shopping, except for shopping for clothes at thrift stores!
11. I love reading (as most of you have probably guessed!)
12. I get easily addicted to things.
13. I tend to worry about a lot of things.
14. I don't like talking on the phone.
15. I am a perfectionist.
16. I find cutting paper with scissors a relaxing exercise.
17. I have Thomas Kinkade puzzles all over my room – glued together in picture frames on the walls.
18. Whenever I get a bunch of candy, I have trouble stopping myself from eating it all!
19. I have discovered that Tetris is one of my favorite (and VERY addicting) games.
20. I like putting cheese on everything I eat which I believe makes it taste a lot better!
21. I don't like flowery-smelling candles.
22. I only have 2 cousins.
23. I only had 2 wisdom teeth, which were taken out a couple of years ago.
24. I blush easily.
25. Miscommunication drives me crazy!!
26. I used to want 22 children, then it went down to 18, then 16, then 12, then 10, then 8, then 6, then 2 sounds great to me (but it MUST be even...which leads me to the next thing...)
27. I like when things are even!
28. I am very attached to my camera.
29. Fall is my favorite season.
30. My clock is set 20 minutes fast, so when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I have more time.
31. I have worked in 2 different daycares, but have done college labs in 4 different ones.
32. I find the Amish culture intriguing and love reading books about them.
33. I love going to Sight & Sound theater in Lancaster county.
34. At each restaurant I go to, I have a certain meal that I like there which I tend to automatically order without really looking at anything else on the menu.
35. I love raw vegetables, but can't stand them cooked. (except perhaps corn)
36. I've only been on a plane 4 times.
37. I've been to the Czech Republic on a mission's trip (during that trip was when I had my 4 plane rides)
38. I actually like Algebra. (though I probably wouldn't have admitted it in high school!).
39. One of my favorite meals is pork, sour kraut, and mashed potatoes.
40. I had 8 teeth pulled when I was young, so I wouldn't have to have braces. (It worked!)
41. I can't stand seafood. (I think shrimp tastes like rubber balls...although I have never actually tasted rubber balls, just so you know!)
42. One of my eardrums burst when I was little, and I had to go through a series of hearing tests, but thankfully, there seems to be no permanent damage!
43. I find cold pizza just as good, if not even better than hot pizza.
44. I tend to over-analyze things a lot, which can be good, but mostly bad.
45. When I receive cards (especially birthday ones), I tend to read them out loud very dramatically.
46. I LOVE the name Rebecca, but I could never refer to myself as that. Rebecca was always my “in trouble” name when I was growing up. :)
47. I love schedules, but when something happens to throw my schedule and plans out of whack, I don't handle it well.
48. I love being around young children because I feel totally free to let out my goofy side.
49. I've only had one real manicure my whole life, and I have NO desire to ever have a pedicure.
50. Hence, I think I have feet phobia.
51. One of my biggest thrills is seeing a “light bulb moment” happen in a child's life when I am trying to teach them something.
52. I don't like doing new things by myself.
53. Sometimes I work better under pressure, but not always.
54. I've watched every Little House on the Prairie re-run at least 50 times (or at least it feels like it!)
55. I love the Andy Griffith black & white episodes only because Barney Fife is hilarious.
56. I love eating ice cream with crushed-up pretzels on top.
57. I have had a few cups of coffee in my life time – it's not bad - but I just can't understand how people can get addicted to the stuff.
58. I've been in a minor car accident, which led to my first ambulance ride to the hospital.
59. I had ice skating lessons when I was 5 years old, and I was disappointed when I couldn't do jumps and twirls my first time on the ice like I had seen while watching the Olympics.
60. I have a sister in Heaven, named Bethany, who would have been just 3 years younger than me had she lived.
61. I absolutely hate being the center of attention.
62. I find myself getting so emotionally involved in movies and books until I am actually sobbing.
63. I was the valedictorian of my senior class (of only 5 students, mind you :D)
64. When I worked in the daycare, I spent most of the time working as the assistant teacher in the Toddler One classroom.
65. For two summers, I spent 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, with 15-18 one year olds.
66. On average, I changed about 30 diapers a day while working in that classroom.
67. When I was little, I used to imagine that inside the walls of our house was a HUGE mansion filled with tiny, little people and I would *cough* talk to them, and imagine what life must be like for them inside the walls of our house. (I had an overactive imagination as a child :D)
68. When I get an idea in my head, I can't stop thinking about it until I get it done. If I don't do it when the idea “strikes” me, I may lose the “oooomph” and never end up doing it. (Such as making this VERY random list!)
69. I've gotten my hair permed a couple of times though I thought it basically made me look like a poodle. Once, I actually let my totally inexperienced friends do a perm in my hair in a “Christian charm class” we had in school. How trusting I was! Thankfully, the results were not disastrous.
70. I am not good at making decisions.
71. I wrote a play called “The Spirit of Christmas” when I was in 4th grade, and my friends and I actually spent a few recesses going over the parts. We had it all planned out. We were going to do the play in my friend's garage. However, It never happened, and I wish I still had kept that script somewhere!
72. During recess in elementary, especially after it had rained, there would be a bunch of worms that would be laying all over the pavement. My friends and I actually started a “worm hospital” under the slide for these helpless little creatures.
73. While playing 4-square outside one day in 1st or 2nd grade, I was stung by 3 bees, and I ended up getting hives. (isn't that ironic?)
74. I am terrified of the sewing machine. It intimidates me so.
75.I love the TV show Monk. However, I blame him for many of my newly discovered OCD ways.
76. I still have my favorite stuffed animal, Clem the Lemon, from when I was a toddler, on the top shelf in my closet.
77. I think horseshoes is a fun game to play at a picnic.
78. I grew up on Patch the Pirate, and now I get to enjoy listening to the stories all over again with my Kindergarten class.
79. During elementary when we had indoor recess, my friends and I would take chairs, books, and blankets, and make all kinds of forts and tunnels out of them.
80. I used to be terrified of dogs, but when I was 5, we had a lady come live with us who was bringing her rather LARGE dog with her. Do you know how she won me over? She gave me skittles! Don't ask me how skittles would take away my fear of dogs, but to this day....
81. I love Skittles! (and dogs of course...but that was already mentioned!)
82. In school, I was in a debate class, and had to do a debate on marijuana. I ended up being on the POSITIVE team...FOR marijuana. That was tough....and a big flop on my part! Which leads to....
83. I am not a good debater!
84. I used to love playing with Polly Pockets.
85. I am the first grandchild on both sides of my family.
86. I love playing volleyball for fun NOT when its a fierce competition.
87. I started learning how to play the piano in 2nd grade (I am still learning!)
88. I was in a Patch the Pirate “Goes to the Jungle” play when I was in 3rd grade. I was one of the “silent sailor girls” lines except to sing the songs along with everyone else :)
89. I find having organization in my life makes me feel more relaxed.
90. I was able to attend a rally for President Bush in 2004 when he was running for office again. It was neat to actually see him in person. (even if it was from a distance!!)
91. I love Vitamin water.
92. I think the movie “Enchanted” is so cute.
93. I still have the Bible I received at my Kindergarten graduation.
94. I have a bunch of dried flowers in my room because I think it is so sad how fresh flowers last for only a short time, so I try my best to “preserve” them!
95. I have recently become a fan of the Robin Hood TV series.
96. I don't really have a favorite verse or life verse, but I find myself repeating these verses over and over again, especially lately. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths! (emphasis added!)
97. I don't really have a favorite song either, but I find myself singing this song a lot - “What a Friend we have in Jesus.”
I am learning to be content with where the Lord has me right now.
99. I LOVE my job(s), I LOVE my family, and I LOVE my church!
100. I am so so so so so so so thankful for ALL that God has done for me! So often, I get sidetracked with how I feel about something that instead of “looking unto Jesus”, I let my feelings get in the way and I end up worrying, over-analyzing, or panicking over something that is totally out of my control. However, the Lord is so long suffering and patient with me. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!!!


Rachel said...

Worm hospital!!!! Hahahahaha.....that brings back some great memories...I can still smell them. :)

So Rebecca, I can't believe you have 100 posts already!

Dear Abbi said...

Oh Becky, the diapers on one-year olds are the worst kind! (except of course for 2 and 3 year olds) I'm so sorry.

And aren't pretzels on ice cream the pinnacle of perfection of the sweet/salty combination?

Becky said...

Well, having so many posts about my 23 birthday cakes in the beginning definitely helped me get started!!

Worms are gross...I don't know what we were thinking! BTW, Rachel, are you mad at me? You called me Rebecca *sniff* :D

Becky said...

Wow, I must have been posting my comment the same time as you, Abbi!
Yes, I definitely got my fill of changing diapers while working pun intended! And, yes, that is the main reason I love pretzels on ice cream...such a great sweet/salty combination!

Kay said...

I LOVE MONK! haha he thinks of things I never would have to stay clean... I've been told more than once that I'm like Monk cause I'm a germaphobe! haha

And.. I still have all my polly pockets. I got them out at Christmas and let my neice play with them!

Jackie said...

How in the world did you get 100 posts already? You started after me and I only have 69! Crazy...

Becky said...

Having 23 blog posts dedicated to birthday cakes in the beginning definitely helped me along on my merry little way :D