Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Words can't describe all that my mom means to me. She is not only my mother but my best friend. She is always there for me whenever I need a listening ear. Friends may come and go in my life, but my Mom can always be counted on and trusted! A couple of years ago, my family went through a big scare when my Mom got Lyme's disease, which resulted in a lot of physical problems and even a hospital stay. It's sad that it takes a crisis like that for you to realize how irreplaceable your Mom truly is in your life!! She is such a Godly example to me, and I hope that I can be half the wife and mother she is when I have my own family someday!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Awe, that's sweet. I liked your mom's b-day testimony tonght, too. She's such a sweet lady - I enjoy being around her!