Friday, January 23, 2009

Chocolate-Scented Play Dough


1 1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. cocoa powder
1/2 c. salt
1/2 Tbsp cream of tartar
1 1/2 Tbsp cooking oil
1 c. boiling water

Mix the dry ingredients. Add the oil and boiling water. Stir quickly, mixing well. When cool, mix with your hands. Store in airtight container.

Last night I made a batch of this dough. Originally, I was going to make it with my kiddos, but I decided, in the end, to eliminate mess and stress and do it on my own! This play dough definitely has a better aroma than the usual play dough stench. So if any of you want to "torture" yourselves one day when you are in the chocolatey mood, I suggest making this recipe! I find squeezing and forming play dough into various shapes to be a good stress reliever. :D (Oops...I forgot to add that to my random list the other day!)

My kiddos definitely enjoyed playing with the play dough today!

They smelled it...

They pretended to eat it....

They rolled it into "snakes" which then turned into.....


They got the idea from our one field trip where the lady taught them how to make pretzels.

Joshua was too busy shouting "Pretzel!" (instead of Cheese! :D) to smile for the picture.

After they each made their "chocolate-covered pretzel", they got out the alphabet and number cut-outs and had a blast with the play dough!

Attention: Be sure to stay tuned for another blog entry entitled "Making Soft Pretzels" (or something to that effect!) in the near future :D My kiddos greatly desire to make the REAL thing now!

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