Saturday, April 28, 2018

And We Have Butterflies!

Our first butterfly emerged on Wednesday, and by Friday afternoon, all our butterflies were out! We made our own butterflies this past week to celebrate.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Playground Fun & Nature Exploration

Yesterday was a rather brisk, spring day, but that didn't stop us from having a fun afternoon outside! We played at a playground near Miss Follett's house for awhile, and then we went on a nature exploration. The best discovery of the day was when Paige found a little turtle laying on its back along the trail. This cute little turtle was quickly named Rose, and joined us for the remainder of our exploration. You never know what you may discover when you are out exploring in God's beautiful creation! :-)

Entering the Chrysalis Stage!

In just a little over a week, our 10 tiny caterpillars continued to grow and grow, and now we have entered the chrysalis stage! Now we wait for the final transformation to take place. We are hoping we get to see at least one butterfly emerge!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Caterpillar Friends

Today we welcomed 10 little fuzzy friends into our classroom!

Our play dough "friends" were watching over them while we were at recess - making sure they were safe :-)

We LOVE our fuzzy new friends and can't wait to watch them grow into butterflies!

We made some colorful caterpillars on leaves - and we just so happened to make various sizes which shows how our caterpillars are going to grow bigger over the next week!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Bounce U Fun!

We had so much fun at Bounce U this afternoon.
It was the perfect place to bounce, climb & slide with our friends!