Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Organizing!

I know I am not the only one who ends up collecting stacks of loose paper from various things. Generally, in the past, I have found some drawer to stuff them in. However, as I have started this organization project in my room, I am determined not to stop until EVERYTHING is organized! When I contemplated how to go about organizing all these miscellaneous papers, I remembered that there was a *small* file cabinet in the corner of one of the classrooms at school that wasn't being used. That file cabinet would be the perfect solution! So I asked if I could have the file cabinet, and I was told that I could!! :) My Dad and brother nearly broke their backs getting it out of the classroom, down the flight of steps, and into the van. Let's just say, it wasn't as light as it looked! However, now it is resting nicely in the corner of my bedroom. Although a metal file cabinet isn't exactly what you would call the most attractive piece of furniture, I did my best to add some features to give it a more feminine look. :)

I already started organizing some of the papers into file folders. Right now they are just randomly placed in the file cabinet. Eventually, I will organize them better, first by category , then in alphabetical order. (That's not so odd for a filing system is it?)

Today I also spent a lot of time dusting my furniture. The whole 3-layers-of-dust look just wasn't thrilling me anymore. The shiny look is much more attractive! :) Because I generally fall into the bad habit of neglecting my room, I am now automatically adding this to my list maker each week! It's a good habit to get into, you know ;-)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I heart organization!
It must be a girl thing but I write to-do lists all the time - may be too much :)