Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still Pledging Allegiance

Although I am greatly disappointed with the results of this presidential election, I will never stop pledging allegiance to my country. As I was thinking about the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, I wondered how accurate the words really are anymore. Do the words "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" really describe our nation today? I love my country, and I don't want to see it ruined by a man who seems to have no real love for America. However, someone reminded me this morning that God is indeed in control of this whole situation! Perhaps having an extremely liberal President for the next 4 years will wake this country up to see their desperate need for God. One can only hope and pray!

Anyway, I took a video of my kiddos saying the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. I thought that this would be a good reminder to all of us that although we may not be happy with the choices America may make in the future, we should always pledge allegiance to our country!

I just wonder how the recent election will affect these young students' lives in the future?

1 comment:

Kay said...

awwww your such a good teacher Becky!