Sunday, December 21, 2008

Little Handprints

Remember the post about cameras, smiles, and cheese fishies I did a couple of weeks ago? You know, the one where I bri...I mean, coaxed my Sunday School class to smile for a picture before I gave them a second helping of cheese fishies? Well, this past week I put the finishing touches on the little project I made for them for Christmas.

I made little hand-shaped ornaments with their picture in the middle. I had been debating back and forth about what to make, and then I remembered this little poem I had called "Little Handprints", so I thought this would be a neat idea!

I put the poem on the back of the ornament:

Little Handprints

Sometimes you get discouraged,

because I am so small

and always leave my fingerprints

on furniture and walls.

But everyday I'm growing up,

and soon I'll be so tall

that all those little handprints

will be so hard to recall.

So here's a special handprint

just so you can say

this is how my fingers looked,

when you placed them here today.

Normally for snack we either have cheese or pretzel fishies. Well, today I brought in a special treat - Christmas tree cookies!

Because I had so many cookies, when some of the children finished and asked for a second cookie, I gave in and let them have another one. I jokingly commented to my assistant that I was getting the children all "sugared up" for their next teachers. Well, obviously, that comment was heard by little ears. :) A mommy came in to take her son to the bathroom, and he was finishing up his cookie. He excitedly told his mom, "Momma, we got all sugared up!!!" Of course, we found this rather humerous because it sounded so cute coming out of his mouth. It just proves the fact that children do indeed hear every word you say - when they want to, that is! ;)

P.S. I just HAVE to insert here that I love my Sunday School class. Not only are they an adorable, fun bunch to work with, but they are also EVEN! I have 12 children right now - 6 boys & 6 girls!! I noticed that last night as I was making sure I had everyone's ornament. It was such a pleasant thought to me :)

1 comment:

Dear Abbi said...

Thanks for doing this, Becky! Gracie loved making hers and I already have it up with Lily's and Joey's! It is very special to me!