Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rambling Thoughts

I haven't blogged anything since Christmas, and this morning I was getting a little panicky. I mean, isn't there a blogging etiquette rule somewhere which says that you have to post a blog entry every few days or so, or you will lose your audience? Ever since I have discovered Sitemeter, its been neat seeing how many people have been looking at my blog from all over the world. I don't want to let all my faithful followers down! I know I just totally make your day with my treasured tales! :) However, I don't really have anything profound to say or post about at the moment, so I guess I will just ramble a bit till something comes to me!

I've been enjoying Christmas break. Its been great to be able to stay up late and then sleep in the next morning! That is the main thing I am dreading about returning to school next week. The thought of having to wake up early again makes me want to *sigh*. I still have a couple more days though!

These past few days I have enjoyed eating all the candy and goodies I received from Christmas. I have two baskets full of goodies in my room, plus we have a rather large stash upstairs. Its rather bad the amount of sugar I have eaten each day. I will probably have to go on a no sugar diet for awhile after this!!

I just finished one of the books I got for Christmas. It was one of those typical series where there is all this miscommunication going on, and it takes 3 books for things to finally all work out in the end. Those kinds of books drive me nuts, but I think I already blogged about this! If people would only communicate.....*sigh*.

Last night I stayed up late and finished watching the last episode of a series that my brother got me into. (Thanks A LOT, Andy!) However, although many things did work out well in the end, something happened that was horrible and I basically was crying throughout the whole episode. If any of you have watched the Robin Hood series, and have seen the last episode of the 2nd season, you'll know what I am talking about! The series is so funny, but the ending is just so sad. :( Does it ever amaze you how emotionally involved you can get over a book or a movie that is just make-believe? I mean, I cry when I read books, and I cry when I watch movies. However, it just hit me last night after I sniffled my way through this one episode that IT'S NOT REAL! I am crying about something that was just made up. I think what hit me hard was when this one person was dying in the end, and they said something like, "I will see you in heaven." I mean, it was just the typical line many people like to say when a person they love is dying, but is it really true? So many people died a "hero's death" throughout this series, so of course they deserved Heaven, right? It's a really sad thought that so many people think that just because they are a good person here on earth that they deserve to go to Heaven. So as I was sitting there crying over something that wasn't real, I began to think about the fact that I cry so little for people's souls and where they will spend eternity if they don't hear the truth. It was definitely a sobering thought!

Although its fun to read books and watch movies, it does take you away from reality and what really matters in life. It's something I have discovered I have to be very careful about not over-doing. Sometimes after I am done reading a Christian romance novel or finish watching a romance movie, I find myself daydreaming about my "future prince" and how he will come to sweep me off my feet like the guy in the story did for the woman he loved. Although there is nothing extremely wrong with daydreaming about that, it does take my thoughts away from what I need to be focusing on right now in my life. Sometimes, its good to step away from those things and get a "reality check", because it is soooo easy to get distracted with the things of this world! If it gets your mind so focused on other things that you don't focus as much on your relationship with God, its probably a good idea to stop it for awhile!

Well, I just started typing, and I wasn't really sure where this blog entry would be heading, but I think it headed where it was supposed to go! :) Hope you understood all my rambling thoughts! So next time, when you get all emotionally involved in a book or a movie, remember -

Only one life will soon be passed, Only what is done for Christ will last!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Just for the record, I cried on that same episode. It's just so unbelievable when it happens!!!!
Can't wait for the next season. :)