Friday, December 12, 2008

Five Short Chapters

In her book, Authentic Beauty, another one of my favorite authors, Leslie Ludy, paraphrases a poem by Portia Nelson. I was thinking about it just now, and of course, whenever I get a thought nowadays I simply must blog about it, you know!! :)

Chapter one: I am walking down a street. There is a hole in the sidewalk. I don't see the hole, and I fall in. It is not my fault. It takes me forever to get out.

Chapter two: I am walking down the same street. This time I see the hole in the sidewalk. I fall in anyway. It takes me a long time to get out.

Chapter three: I am walking down the same street. I see the hole in the sidewalk. I try to step over it, but I fall in anyway. It is my fault. This time I get out quicker.

Chapter four: I am walking down the same street. I see the hole in the sidewalk. I walk on the other side of the street and avoid falling into the hole.

Chapter five: I take a different street.

How often in life do we make the same wrong choices over and over simply because we think we can handle the situation better than before?

Wouldn't it be much simpler just to take a different street?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks Becky...that's an interesting thought! and I also liked the video you posted "don't quit"... :)Keep up the good blogging...sounds like your having fun with it! ;)