Friday, March 20, 2009

Web Albums & Spring Decorations

Today I discovered the wonder of Picasa web albums. All this time I have been uploading tons of pictures for each blog entry causing lots of frustration for me as I had to upload all the pictures, scroll through everything and then space out all the pictures. It might have caused frustration for all of you faithful followers, as well, who may not like to scroll down a seemingly endless page of pictures!! I tend to be "snap happy" and then it is hard for me to decide which pictures to put on my blog and which to leave out. Especially when I am posting pictures regarding Kindergarten activities, I want to make sure I give each of my kiddos "equal picture space". So posting web albums instead will probably save time, blog space, and aggravation for me and hopefully for my viewers as well. (I hope!) I won't do this for EVERY blog entry...just the ones I know will have lots of pictures :)

Today after school I completed the last of the spring decorating in the classroom. You can walk in my classroom now and be greeted by a bizillion birds, butterflies and flowers. I must say it is rather bright and cheerful in there. :) Spring has arrived in the Kindergarten if only the weather would get the memo to STAY spring-like!

When I took the pictures of the classroom this afternoon, we had already set up for Sunday school - hence the reason why there are rows of chairs in the middle of the room and the desks are pushed to the side!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

That's cool Becky, I gotta learn how to do that too! I always want to put more pictures on than I have patience for!