Sunday, March 8, 2009

For A Special Friend On Her Birthday

Sarah and I have been friends since forever! We were about 2 years old, I suppose, when we met...most likely in junior obviously I don't remember much before Sarah entered my life!!

We have certainly been through a lot together...

From the "simple days" of elementary school...

(This is a picture of us in 1st grade. We were reciting a cat poem together! :P)

To the more complicated high school days of Chemistry and Advanced Math....

...Sarah has been such a true friend! I mean, many friends do you have that would cut your hair numerous times...for FREE...and do such a great job?!! I sure was spoiled for a number of years when she was my hairdresser! :D

Growing up we had the "little girl" friendship where you play and have fun together and go over to each other's houses. However, as we have gotten older, our friendship has definitely deepened into something really special, meaningful, and spiritually-minded.

I found this poem that I think describes our friendship so well...

We grow closer to each other
When we’re closer to the Lord
The common faith that we share
Binds our hearts in one accord

For friendships last a life time
When built on Jesus Christ
Throughout each different season
We find we are in life

Friends are there through times of grief
And times when hope is gone
Always there with encouragement
So we can carry on

So thank the Lord for giving you
A true and faithful friend
To laugh with you, and cry with you
On whom you can depend

For friends will stay no matter what
Giving you support
And together your hearts truly unite
With the love of the Lord.

By M.S.Lowndes

I was looking through some of my old school yearbooks the other day, and came across this in my 1st grade yearbook....

"Dear Becky...I hope you like me in the future. Love, Sarah G."

In our little 1st grade minds, the FUTURE was what....2nd grade?! Little did we know that 17 years later we would still be the best of friends!

(And just in case you are doubting, Sarah, I still do like you in this "future" we find ourselves in now! :D)

So Happy Birthday, dear friend! I hope you have a special day :)

Thanks for being such an encouragement and blessing to me these many years. Yours is a friendship I truly cherish, and although we don't get to see each other as often as we would like, when we do get together, its like we never were apart because we share such a special bond. :)

I hope you like me in the future too when we are 90 and sitting on our rockers...cause then we will have TONS of time to chat!


grndmom/pop said...

..felt like I was reading a very personal letter..just a side note from mrs N... Ps 37:16...and a dear devoted forever friend is priceless $$$ :) HBD Sarah

Tiffany said...

That was a great post - thanks for sharing it with us! Happy Birthday Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Becky... I am glad that you still like me. I never realized you had a photo of when I first cut your you remember how short it was?
Anyways, thanks for the great post!

Kay said...

Aww Becky! This was super sweet of you to post :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!! Such a awesome post Becky :)