Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Kindergarten Moments

This morning I decided to take some videos of my kiddos...

In this first video they are singing the "Days of the Week" song...and of course since the camera is on, they are being goofy(er)!

This next video shows the amazing accomplishment my kiddos have made this past quarter. They learned the Old Testament books of the Bible in order (sung to "10 Little Indians"). There are some rather challenging words in there, so it's been pretty neat to hear them sing it by themselves!

It was a gorgeous spring day today! I was out at recess for a few minutes with my kiddos and we had a fun time swinging on the swings.

I had just taken a random shot of them having fun on the swings, so I decided that it was time for the teacher, who was also enjoying the swings, to get in a picture. :)

This is my favorite because it proves that I actually did let my kiddos touch my camera...again! :D

Today in Science, we were talking about the different things that happen in fall. In our book, there was a picture of a whole flock of birds flying south for the winter and a squirrel gathering nuts. I told them that in the fall time, the animals are getting ready for winter. One of my kiddos was then quick to inform me that bears "suffocate" in the winter. At first, I was like ?????...then it hit me. Ooooh! You mean that bears hibernate in the winter?? He was like, Yeah, that's what I meant. Too cute :)

We did a "spring bouquet" art project this afternoon. They glued on cotton fluff for the pussy willows and crumpled-up yellow tissue paper for the blossoms. They found the name "pussy willow" quite amusing, and when I said that the flowers were probably from a forsythia bush, they were flabbergasted! Such a funny, complicated name for a little flower :)

However, I am afraid I have led my kiddos astray. This teacher did not do her "spring flower/bush" research before this art project and I told them that pussy willows turned into forsythias. Oops! (I have since researched and this is NOT the case!) Well, looking at this art project, don't they look like they are coming from the same branches? I just assumed....well, forgive me, Kindergartners! Your teacher does not know everything about flower & plant life! Next time, she will just keep quiet and not try to sound like she knows what she is talking about...cause unless it is ABC's or 123's, she probably doesn't! :D

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