Monday, July 27, 2009

A Real Life Musical

Have you ever watched those old musicals where a girl or guy starts randomly singing a song, and then suddenly everyone in the area seems to know the song and the exact dance steps involved? I always find it so amazing. How did they know what to do??!! Haha...

Of course that never happens in real life...or does it?

The following video takes place in a train station in Belgium. They all seem like ordinary people until a song from "The Sound of Music" starts to play...

(Warning: The song gets a bit "disco" at one point!)

1 comment:

grndmom/pop said...

Becky: It's funny that you would post that clip..Tara was visiting the Von Trapp(sp?) home in Vermont & I was singing "the Hills are Alive..w/the Sound of Music" to her over the phone. It was one of her many favorites as a youngin!!, we'll cu tomorrow :) ha!ha!