Thursday, July 23, 2009


This week is Vacation Bible School at my church. Our theme is "Swords and Shields", and the room is decorated as a castle. It looks really neat! You're just going to have to trust me on this because, alas, I have not taken many pictures at all this week. I have brought my camera each night with good intentions, but when you have 15-20 K-1st graders to watch over, its nearly impossible to stop to breathe let alone take pictures!

I mean look at this serious look on my face as I lead my kiddos out for game time.... be perfectly honest, I think I was just concentrating on untangling my name tag that was blowing and twisting in the breeze and threatening to strangle me!

It's been a fun and CrAzY week so far at VBS! Last night was dress-up night. It was so cute seeing little princesses, kings, and knights running around! Even the teachers and helpers dressed up!

In the beginning of the evening, I was able to take two pictures...

When Briar, my wonderful helper this week, told me that she and her cousin, Mateo, were Robin Hood and Lady Marian, I just HAD to take a picture of them. That just totally thrilled me...for some "unknown" reason! ;-) Isn't this picture so sweet?!

Here are some of my pretty princesses of the evening (with Robin Hood in the background :))

I know some people were taking a lot more pictures last night and the previous nights, so I am hoping to "steal" a few of them, and post them later to show you!

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