Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Who Am I?

Because I teach 2's and 3's Sunday School, I haven't been able to hear the adults' Sunday School lessons for quite some time now. This summer our Assistant Pastor is preaching a series on victory over sin. I have heard so much about how these lessons have been beneficial for so many people that I decided that I just had to hear them! Tonight Andy was able to copy the audio messages to my computer. The first one I listened to tonight was entitled "Who Am I?" It was basically about how people deal with identity crisises in their life because they depend on other things for their identity (such as a husband/wife, job, financial position etc). In reality, it is making those things an idol in their life. As Christians, our identity needs to be found in Christ, and not on earthly things/people that will eventually just vanish away.

Lately, I feel like I have been going through a bit of an "identity crisis." For two years now, I have been identifying myself as 'Becky, the Kindergarten teacher.' Obviously, two years is not really a long time in the grand scheme of things, but I guess I found security in that description of myself - a Kindergarten teacher - that is who I am - that's ME!!! However, for the next year or so, that is not who I am. My "title" is changing. I guess I could refer to myself as Becky, the Accountant, but officially, I am NOT an accountant. I am just doing an accounting job! But then again, I am still helping out at the school, so I will still technically be a teacher. Yet, at my one job, I will not only be doing accounting, but also secretarial work. Sooooo then....who am I??? I am not sure at the moment! Right now I am "in training" for these new jobs, and so I am not technically anything! Or am I? This slight "identity crisis" I am going through is just showing me that indeed, I must be depending on my job to be my "identity", instead of letting my identity be in Christ.

Tonight as I was pondering this whole thing after I was done listening to this particular SS lesson, I thought of something that was preached on at camp. I had gotten the audio messages from all the services, so I listened to the first part of one of the messages again.

The preacher said something to this effect, "The Lord wants to develop good Godly Christians. He doesn't want you to be a good accountant; He wants you to be a good Christian who can do accounting. He doesn't want you to be a good teacher; He wants you to be a good Christian who can teach."

Now, do you think it is just a "coincidence" that the preacher chose THOSE particular jobs as his examples? Of all the jobs he could have picked, he chose the two jobs that apply to me!

My identity needs to be found in Christ. It doesn't matter what job/position I may have, or what task I may be completing - if my focus is on pleasing the Lord and finding my security in my never-changing God, I never need go through "identity crisises" in my life!

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.
Colossians 3:23

Because I am learning so many new things this summer, and find my brain being quite stretched at times, when I read this verse this morning, I found it quite comforting!!

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
Isaiah 40:28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so neat how the message from camp went along with the Sunday school lesson!