Friday, April 24, 2009

A Nutritional Field Trip

Today the Kindergarten and Elementary students went to Giant for a nutritional tour. Our guide took us all around the store, stopping at different sections to talk about the nutritional value of certain kinds of foods. We discussed each of the food groups and why each is important. The children all got to sample a little cup filled with an apple slice, baby carrot, and cheerios (actually they were the Giant-brand organic kind to be exact! :D) Later on, at the Deli they each got a slice of cheese...and so did the teachers and parent chaperones :) They basically got to sample each of the food groups except for the meat. To make up for not tasting that particular food group, they were given the opportunity to pet a lobster!

We even got a "behind-the-scenes" tour of their storage room. During that time we talked about the importance of recycling. Did you know that it takes a little over 12,000 recycled Giant plastic bags to make a plastic bench? That was a little piece of information I walked away with today....nothing to do with nutrition, but still interesting! Makes me think twice before I throw away a plastic bag! *looking over at the humongous stack of plastic bags in the corner of my room and wondering if I have enough to make a plastic bench*

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