Friday, April 17, 2009

Da Vinci Discovery Center

Today the Kindergarten - 8th grade went to the Da Vinci Discovery Center. I had a fun & crazy time with the active K-3rd grade group! :)

Our one tour guide took out a snake for the children to touch. Joshua LOVED it. :D

One of the highlights was getting to see an electricity demonstration. The girl was really great with the kids and kept their interest. I think this was my favorite part because I could just sit there, relax and enjoy myself, without worrying about kids wandering off!

Did you notice that at the end of this video, she was looking RIGHT at me when she said that she wanted to test the idea that you are safe inside your car during a lightning storm? Ahhh, yes, the joys of being teacher. I quickly turned off my video, and somewhat reluctantly volunteered. I didn't know what she was going to have me do! Well, you saw that nice white cage in the video? The one where the electricity was coming from? Well, while the kiddos cheered me on I was told to step INSIDE the cage. She wanted to demonstrate that while lightning may be all around your car, you are still safe inside of it. I was a bit timid, but I had many wide, excited eyes looking at me so I couldn't chicken out! :D So while they all rubbed their feet on the floor and counted 1,2,3 I sucked in my breath as I heard the loud crackle of electricity around me. I think we ALL were relieved when I stepped safely out of the cage again. But I think the kiddos were pretty thrilled about that whole thing! Afterwards, when one of the kids asked if they could do that experiment, the girl said no, that only adults could do it because it is the most dangerous experiment that they do and they don't want serious injuries to happen to the children! I was like, Oh, wow, THANKS A LOT! But then she went on to say that the reason that they allow the adults to do it is that they know they will follow the instructions. She then said, "So you see, your teacher is your hero!" Ah, yes, I heroically almost got electrocuted....such a comforting thought!

One more video...this experiment at the end was really neat! They would touch the globe with the electric current going through it, and with their other hand hold a long light bulb which was not attached to any power outlet. The electric current going through them would actually light the bulb! Then, when the girl would touch their nose, giving them a little shock, the light would go out. She called it their "off-switch" :) Science is so amazing, isn't it? How could someone who studies Science not believe in God??!

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