Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ask, Seek, Find

Last night I was getting ready to watch a movie with my friend, Elizabeth, over MSN. :) Of course, when you do something like this you need to have the timing down just right when you hit the "play" button, so earlier we had decided that instead of doing the 1, 2, 3 over MSN chat, we would do it over the phone. So I got my purse and started rummaging through it in search of my cellphone. Now you have got to understand something. Back in August, I had lost my camera while in Philadelphia for the day. I had thought it was in my purse, and was quite shocked to discover that it wasn't there! So ever since then, I have had this paranoia about losing things. Every time I need my cellphone and can't feel it right away when I am rummaging around in my purse, I have a slight moment of panic before my fingers firmly grasp it. So anyway, last night, I was feeling around in my purse for my cellphone. I didn't feel it right away, so I decided to take everything out of my purse. Nada, nothing, no cellphone! My mind began swirling. Where in the world could it be? I generally always keep it in my purse, so my mind was drawing a blank as to where I could have put it. At first I panicked thinking that I probably left it somewhere at Sight & Sound or Shady Maple on Thursday, but then reason returned and I remembered that I had texted Andy on the way home Thursday night. My last memory of using it was in the van, so I decided that would be the most logical place to look. I didn't really want to go out to the garage at 10:00 at night in my pj's, but I was determined to find it. I searched the entire van from top to bottom (or so I thought) and found nothing.

By this point, I was extremely frustrated. Seeing how it was garbage night, I had the sinking feeling that somehow my cellphone had dropped in a garbage can by accident and was now sitting on the edge of our street ready to meet its doom early the next morning. I was grasping at straws. We tried calling my cell number to see if we could hear it, but of course, I had it on vibrate so I wasn't holding out much hope of hearing it unless it was close by. I was rather upset, feeling frustrated that I lost something...again. I just didn't know where to look anymore. Well, it was time to watch the movie, but my mind wouldn't rest at first. I almost felt like crying. But eventually, the "Happy Working Song", "That's How You know" and "So close" song lyrics from the movie Enchanted made me feel better :)

I actually had a dream during the night that I found my cellphone in the middle of the driveway. I woke up all happy, and then realized it was only a dream. Of course, if my cellphone was indeed in the middle of the driveway, it would be ruined because of all the rain!

So this morning during my devotions, I decided to pray about it. I've heard countless times that God cares even about the little things!! I had kinda half-heartedly asked Him last night to help me find it, but I still had the mindset that I could handle something like this on my own. However, I realized that God knew exactly where it was, and He could help me find it if I just trusted Him. I must admit, that my faith was still weak. I had decided that I needed to look in the van again because that was the last place I used it. However, I had already looked in there last night. What if it wasn't there? Then what would I do? I procrastinated a bit, and didn't go out to the van right away because I didn't want to be disappointed in case God didn't answer my prayer. (Oh, ye of little faith!)

Eventually, I decided that I HAD to know. So I went out the garage rather timidly clinging to the thought that the Lord could handle this and help me find it. I went to the back seat where I had been sitting on Thursday. I looked on the seat, beside the seat, under the seat and found nothing. However, I just had this feeling - this knowing - that it just had to be there. I then looked under the seat in front of me, and there in the dark corner, I found my cellphone! I literally grabbed it, hugged it and said, "Thank You, God, thank You!!" over and over.

I mean, look at this picture (obviously having the flash on makes it brighter) but still...WHY couldn't I see this last night? Yes, it was darker last night and I didn't have the aid of the light coming in through the window, but WHY couldn't I see this??

I honestly think that the Lord "blinded" my eyes last night so I couldn't see it. He wanted to wait to reveal it to me until I took time to pray and ask Him for help. He didn't want me to find it in my own strength. God cares even about the little things and He wants me to depend on Him for EVERYTHING!! Of course, there is always the analogy that last night, it was dark and there was no light coming in from the garage window. Until the light shone in, I couldn't find the cellphone....hmmmmm.

But anyway, although losing a cellphone may seem like a minor thing to some, it was just another reminder for me that the Lord cares about every little detail in my life! Why worry?

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