Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Then and Now

Today my Mom found this photo in her box in the church office.

I honestly don't know when this picture was taken or what it was taken for, but I was excited to find a *new* photo of my family! I thought I had seen every picture ever taken of us together, so this was a special (embarrassing!) treat this afternoon.

I could comment on a lot of things such as my bad hair day or Alayna's lack of it, the plastic glasses look or our fashion styles, but I think the thing that amused both Mom and I the most was Andy. His little head is barely in this picture! :D Was my "lil' bro" really this short once upon a time?

Looking at this picture it is definitely hard to believe!

Awwwww...the memories :D


Melissa said...

Wow, isn't it neat to see how your family changes?

Jackie said...

I saw that pic in the church office and thought it was cute! My how much we change from year to year.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget all the good times we've had in between the Then and Now pics ;) We used to be part of the "4 Musketeers"! What fun!(Remember when you fell off our zipcord back in the..was it 7th grade??...and hurting your shoulder!!)Ahh...memories!

Becky said...

Hey Katie! How could I possibly forget all the memories between then and now? :D Although I must admit, falling from your zipcord is not exactly a memory I want to dwell on too long! :P But there are indeed plenty of other, more pleasant, memories!