Monday, February 23, 2009

"Perfectly Chocolate" Hot Cocoa

Because of these wintry decorations in the back of our classroom...

...I was asked by my kiddos if we could make hot chocolate someday.

They were definitely excited to discover that today was the day!


"Perfectly Chocolate" Hot Cocoa

-Microwave Single Serving-

2 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. cocoa
Dash salt
1 cup milk
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract

1. Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in large mug.
2. Heat milk in microwave at HIGH - 1-1/2 minutes or until hot.
3. Gradually add milk to cocoa mixture; stir well. Stir in vanilla.

I find it rather humorous that this hot chocolate recipe is called "perfectly chocolate" hot cocoa. Apparently, my kiddos were a bit too generous with their cocoa measuring. I tried to oversee everything, but because every one was at different stages at different times, it was a little challenging to make sure their spoonfuls weren't too heaping! When one child tasted theirs, they said that they tasted something "nasty" in there. When I poured out the remainder of their hot chocolate later on, there were still some clumps of cocoa on the bottom. Yes, I guess that would taste rather nasty!

So if you ever decide to do this recipe with your kiddos, make sure that you aren't too generous with the cocoa measuring and that you mix the cocoa thoroughly before tasting it, or the name "perfectly chocolate" will not be an accurate description of your hot drink!

I just thought it would be more fun for them to use a single serving recipe so they would all have equal opportunities in the hot chocolate making process. It is the PROCESS and not the PRODUCT after all! (something that was grilled in my head during college) I think the part they enjoyed the most anyway was the handful of marshmallows that they got to put on the top of their hot chocolate...which didn't last too long, I might add! :D

Gotta love chocolate mustaches & goatees!

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