Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Knight in Shining Armor Has Arrived!

Yes, well, it's not quite what you are thinking!

Something I have long been anticipating finally came today a large brown box with the word DELL across it.

It would be my new laptop computer, in case you were wondering!!! And why would I call this piece of technology my "knight in shining armor" you might also wonder? Well, it is indeed rescuing this poor "damsel in distress" from the perils of the old, slow, loud, buzzing "dragon" - my dreaded desktop computer!

Okay, well, my desktop hasn't really been THAT bad, but it has definitely had its issues lately and I was getting tired of it! So needless to say, I was very happy to receive this package today. I didn't waste much time setting it up, and getting the Internet connected. :D It felt so strange to be sitting there on my bed and surfing the Internet! I am sure I shall get used to this luxury though.

However, I did discover that my "knight in shining armor" is not perfect. While I was doing something (still not sure what!) this screen came up telling me that there were all these viruses on my computer that could be extremely harmful. Now, you must understand, I am not exactly computer illiterate. I did have a class in high school AND in college about computers and how they work. However, my love for my "knight" took over my common sense for a moment. I wanted to protect him from harm! Something showed up that told me that I should click on this scan to make sure all the potential viruses were removed. I *almost* clicked it, but thankfully, my common sense made a quick recovery and I called for my OTHER knight in shining armor - my brother, Andy. He came to my rescue and helped slay the evil dragon "Virus" who was trying to attack my "Knight". So I learned a valuable lesson already with my new laptop. Don't click on anything unless you are sure of what it is!

So, my one friend asked me if I had a name picked out for him yet, and I hadn't at the time, but now I think I do.

Please let me introduce you to "Mr. Knightly." (All you Jane Austen fans can groan now! Apparently it is still in my system!) I figured "Mr. Knightly" is very fitting seeing how this laptop is indeed my "knight in shining armor"!

Okay, I realize this post may seem rather pathetic calling my laptop by such a name, but bear with me please. I'm just weird when I am excited!


Anonymous said...

Your hair looks cute!

Oh, and the laptop looks good too. ;)

Dear Abbi said...

Great name choice! I've also been particularly fond of Mr. Knightly myself. :) Laptops are the best, btw.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new laptop!! That's wonderful! :)