Friday, March 11, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Day?

I can't remember what started it this morning. Oh, I remember! We were reviewing our classroom rules. We hadn't done that in awhile, so I thought we needed a good refresher. One of my students then informed me that when she was a Kindergarten teacher, she wouldn't have any classroom rules. One thing led to another, and before I knew it all 3 of my girls were planning their future teaching careers in MY classroom. Oh soon turned into a full fledged argument over who would be teaching Kindergarten first! Poor Aidan was the innocent bystander while I tried to inform the girls that there would be other schools they could teach Kindergarten in, so they could all be teachers at the same time. However, they told me that they didn't want to teach anywhere but at this school seeing how that is where their children would be attending Kindergarten. Yep, they had it all figured out. :-) Finally, it was decided that they would take turns teaching different subjects each day. Relieved that their futures were now secure, we were able to proceed on with our morning routine.

Daily News happened to be the next part of the morning routine, and there definitely was a "teacher appreciation" theme going on!

Suddenly, my kiddos got into a huddle....

Curious, I asked them what they were doing. I was informed that they were having a "kid meeting". Teachers have "teacher meetings" and kids have "kid meetings". I still have no idea what they were discussing, but instead of worrying about what devious plans were possibly being produced during their short "kid meeting", I took a picture. :-)

Oh, yes, it was an interesting start to a cRaZy Friday with my kiddos!!

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