Friday, March 18, 2011

Fun in the Sun

This morning I received a hug and a "Miss Follett, you are the best teacher in the whole world!" from one of my students. Why? Because I told my kiddos that they each could pick a game, and in the afternoon we would play them outside. Who would have thought that this suggestion would warrant such a reaction?! :-)

And what a gorgeous afternoon it was! It was soooooooo great to be outside, and to just let my kiddos run, run, RUN! Something that they had been missing after being cooped up all winter long.

We attempted playing games on a blanket, but as you can see, it was rather bright and windy outside (and of course, all 3 games selected involved objects that could easily blow away in the wind!).....

Because they were thirsty, we took a break and went inside. Since the sun was so bright, we made a quick stop at my car to get my sunglasses. Of course, that meant that everyone else wanted sunglasses too! Gotta love those star sunglasses I found in our prize box! (which stayed on about a minute after this picture...guess it just wasn't their style?) :-)

Oh yes, I am looking forward to more days of fun in the sun now that spring is upon us! It has been a LONG winter. :-)

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