Friday, March 4, 2011

The Greatly Anticipated Ice Cream Party

Every year our school participates in the Boxtops for Education. To make it fun, the Elementary students have a competition. The grades are split evenly into 2 teams. Each team brings in boxtops throughout the first months of the school year. Which ever team ends up with the most boxtops at the end of the competition gets to have an ice cream party.

At the beginning of the year when I explained all this to my Kindergarten kiddos, they were beyond thrilled that they could have an ice cream party if they won. Never have I had a class so anxious to win a boxtop competition! Every time one of my kiddos would bring in a bag of boxtops, they would ask me, "Are we winning? Will we get ice cream???" This has been going on feels like forever! :-)

As the competition neared its end, it was rather obvious that my kiddos were WAY in the lead, and would most likely win the competition. My Mom (the school secretary) was in charge of this competition. Every time she would walk in the door, my kiddos would bombard her and pepper her with questions. "Are we winning the boxtops? Will we get ice cream?!"

Finally, the competition was over! My kiddos (along with their 1st & 2nd grade team members) were the winners!! Now the questions became..."When are we having ice cream? Is it today?" Oh, yes...questions never end, do they? :-)

I put a little note on our calendar so they could see when the party was going to take place. Every day when we had calendar time, they would count down the days till the party.

Today was finally *the* day!

Needless to say, the excitement/energy level was over the top ALL...DAY....LONG....:-)

{selecting their ice cream}

{putting on the toppings}

{Oh, boy...LOTS of sugar!!}

{I just LOVE Aidan's beaming face in this picture!}

{The winning team with their Boxtop certificates -
Just these 7 students brought in over 900 boxtops!}

{Altogether our school brought in 3,896 boxtops! At 10 cents per boxtop, you do the math!}

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