Monday, March 31, 2014

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

Today's simple art project was coloring a kite picture to put on our classroom bulletin board. I was actually keeping it simple (ie: no messy paint involved!). Well, apparently that was just too boring for my girls. :-) They took the leftover paper from their kite project, and decided to make actual kites! All that was required of me was to assist with the taping and string. At first they were just playing with them in the classroom, but that didn't satisfy them too long.

Today just happened to be a rather WINDY spring day, and what better weather needed in order to fly a kite?! So we ventured outside and the girls had some fun with their kites. The tape wasn't extremely strong, so there were a few occasions when the strong wind would whip their kites across the playground and they would have to chase them, but for the most part it was a huge success! Perhaps next time we'll attempt REAL kites...maybe :-)

The kite pictures, which inspired this afternoon's activity, are now decorating our spring bulletin board in the classroom!

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