Saturday, March 15, 2014

Out of the Mouth of Babes

My girls say cute, random things every week, but sometimes there are just events that stand out more than the rest! Here are two that happened this past week....


On Monday, the girls were coming in from recess. For security purposes, all the doors around the school are locked, so the children have to wait at the security door until the ladies in the church office let them in. Well, apparently, the ladies in the office were watching Cally through the security camera. She was having fun, splashing in the puddles around the door and looking in no hurry to come inside. The recess teacher was busy gathering up the rest of the students, but the ladies in the office were not aware of this. They thought Cally was the last one outside. One of the ladies in the office decided to turn on the intercom, and speak to Cally through that.

"Cally, the door is open. It is time to come inside!"

They told me later that Cally's head jerked up and her eyes got wide as she stared at the door.

This is where I came in....

I am in the classroom, hearing all the students come back from recess, when suddenly I hear Cally shouting, "Miss Follett!!!!!!!!!!"

I go rushing out into the hallway. There is Cally at the top of the steps, her eyes as wide as saucers.

"Miss Follett!!!! The door TALKED to me!!!"

{Needless to say, the ladies in the office, and countless others have gotten quite a kick out of this story :-)}


Yesterday, the little sea creature toys were being played with at the table. Sarah was finishing up her one paper, when suddenly she asks me...

"What do sea creatures do to help the world?"

My mind swirling, trying to come up with possible replies, I simply say, "Hmmmm....good question, Sarah!"

Without a moment's hesitation, she then declares, "Maybe a paleontologist would know!!!"

{Let's just say I was thankful I had my tablet nearby so I could look up the definition to 'paleontologist'!}

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