Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Painting

Today was  "winter removal" in the Kindergarten classroom. I was sooo ready to put away the snowflakes and snowmen, and get out the flowers, butterflies, and birds!! :-)

This afternoon I enlisted the help of my girls to get the spring decorations moving along. They each painted 2 flowers, 2 butterflies, and a bird. Once these are dry and cut out, I will put them around the room to add to the spring-like atmosphere!

Whenever the paint is out, the girls thoroughly enjoy themselves! I let them pick whatever colors they wanted, so needless to say, by the end of the painting experience, the colors were rather blended together in dark hues of blue, maroon, or brown on their plates. I didn't want to just throw all that excess paint away! Well, we still had about 20 minutes left of the day, so I decided to get out a roll of white paper from the art closet, some small sponges (cut into a variety of shapes) and let them have fun up in the lunchroom.

It made the last few minutes of the day rather crazy as we were trying to scrub paint off hands and arms, gather folders, coats and backpacks in a matter of 5 minutes...but hey, it was Friday. Might as well end the week with a bang!! :-)

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