Monday, March 10, 2014

A Fun Afternoon Experiment: Making Goop

This afternoon I knew we were going to have some time on our hands, and I really didn't want the girls to completely destroy the classroom {smile}, so I tried to think of something fun we could do. We had just done a quick project using the big container of liquid glue in the art closet. I knew there was some sort of "goop" that could be made with liquid glue, food coloring, and liquid starch, but I couldn't remember the exact measurements. Well, I wasn't going to let that stop me! I got each of the girls a bowl and spoon, poured a little glue in the bowls, and then they picked the color they wanted their "goop" to be. After the glue was the color they wanted, we added some liquid starch to the glue. After some tweaking - adding a little glue and a little more starch here and there - the "goop" was finally the consistency it should be.

For the rest of the afternoon, the girls were completely entertained. They LOVED the texture of the slimy goop {which they ended up calling "gooby" instead}! It could stretch, pull, and mold into whatever they wanted it to be. It is amazing what can be done with just liquid glue, starch and food coloring!!!  

So Hope had been working on making a "snake" with her goop, but just as I was about to snap the picture, it broke. Hence, I decided it would be better to take a video. :-) The noise of the classroom will hopefully give you a glimpse of what a typical day is like for me. It is hard to capture it in pictures sometimes! Oh yes, never - I repeat - NEVER is there a quiet moment with these girls!


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