Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Teacher Moment

I haven't really posted much about the school year yet. Last year I posted at least 3 blog entries a week it seemed with stories and pictures of the many Kindergarten adventures I had with my kiddos. This year has been a bit different so far. I am able to help out a little at the school each day for which I am thankful. One of my main jobs is being a recess monitor.

If you have ever monitored an elementary recess, you'll know what an adventure that can be! Sometimes you are able to just sit on the bench and "observe", but most of the time you are too busy refereering a game, listening to a tattle-tale session, comforting an injured child, breaking up fights, doing countless "under-doggies" on the swings, and checking your watch every 5 minutes wondering if time is standing still!!! Right now I am just thankful for the beautiful weather we are still having so we can be outside on the playground where the energy can be released and happy screams less noticeable!!

Today I had one of those "teacher moments" out at recess. I have learned in my short time being a teacher that elementary girls are rather emotional! Feelings get hurt rather easily, and "cat fights" break out when just a few minutes ago they were the best of friends. Usually, I am the one blessed with dealing with these types of issues.

As I was sitting on the bench observing the competitive tether ball game today, one of the girls came up to me with a very serious expression on her face. She began to tell me that one of her friends was convinced that no one liked her...in fact, she thought everyone HATED her. This little girl and another girl were trying their best to tell her that they indeed liked her, but she just wouldn't believe them! Nothing they would say could convince her that they liked her. Inwardly, I admit, I was groaning and *rolling my eyes* at such a "drama queen moment", but I knew I had to give this concerned little girl advice on how to help her friend feel loved again. I suggested to her that instead of trying to convince her that they liked her by just TELLING her, they needed to find a way to SHOW her that they liked her. How about they invite her to play a game with them or something like that? This seemed like a good plan to this little girl so she ran back to her friend who was still trying (unsuccessfully) to prove her loyalty to her unhappy friend. I just sat there and observed as these two girls went aside and got into a little "huddle" to discuss their plan of attack on how to SHOW this girl that they liked her. Next thing I knew, all three of them were running around, HUGE smiles on their faces, the best of friends again. As they were running by, the little girl - who had come to me for advice - stopped by the bench where I was sitting, and with a big smile on her face, cups her little hands around my ear, and whispers, "Thank you, Miss Follett!!"

Those simple words just melted my heart. You never know when something you say or advice that you give will brighten someone's day and put a smile on their face again! I may not be teaching reading, writing and arithmetic this school year, but I can still make a difference in these childrens' lives - whether big or small!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww that's really cute!