Saturday, October 17, 2009

Birthday Pictures

This morning I came upstairs and was surprised to see yellow lilies amongst the purple flowers my Mom had bought for me the other day. There had been some flowers that hadn't bloomed yet, but we had assumed they would be the same purple flowers. What a pleasant surprise! I love yellow, purple and green together :)

Tonight my grandparents and aunt came over for supper, and my Mom made a scrumptious meal of chicken n' biscuits - a meal I have requested for my birthday these past few years because it is sooo delicious!

The birthday girl at dinner....clearing the table to get ready for cake and ice cream! This is my "Alayna-are-you-really-taking-a-picture-of-me?" look. :)

My birthday cake :) It was delicious as always and my favorite colors! Thanks Mom!

Blowing out the candles

Reading a birthday card in my traditional "dramatic" way!

Amongst many special presents, my parents gave me a new gold watch! Something I really wanted :) My other one had been through the war - literally - because I wore it every day when I worked at the day care and while teaching Kindergarten! Yep, I was ready for something new :)

Its been a great couple of days of celebration. :) Thanks to everyone who has found numerous ways to make my birthday a special one!!


grndmom/pop said...

ok..Mrs N did it AGAIN!! seems like I just read your blog with all the birthday cakes mom made over the years!! (a whole year couldn't have passed already??).... and I missed another important date--why did I think you were a Spring birthday?? old age -- I apologize -I will have to rectify the situation :)-- I was busy on Friday with the Beaumont munchkins and making sure the guys remembered it was national "boss's day". HAPPY BEEEELATED BDAY BECKY! LUV, Mrs "N" (and Mr. too)

grndmom/pop said...

Well, you dearest Becky..If Mrs N was on top of things & read your blog early in the week--I would have known your bday was coming! The flowers were very pretty - the soup looked perfect for that cold yucky day..(not that you are yucky) & your bday cake looked delicoushhhh! C U Monday :)