Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Outlaw or Villain?

I still like the Robin Hood BBC series even though they are really starting to ruin it and twist the plot around. *Sigh* This is a random quiz I took regarding the show. At first I was happy that my result was Lady Marian, but then I was like....hmmmmmm, she didn't exactly have a happy ending. Do I really want to be her? Oh well, after all, its just a silly lil' quiz! If I believed that the results of every quiz I took were accurate, right now I would be suffering from low self-esteem thinking I was a weed whacker. Seriously, that was the latest result of one of the Facebook quizzes I took!


So if you care to...even if you haven't watched the show...take the quiz and lemme know if you are an outlaw or a villain!


Mom said...

Hello, it's your mom. I'm Marian also. Great minds think alike :}!

Rachel said...

Lady Marian :D