Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Letting Go...

While at the park today, we let our butterflies go. Over the weekend they had all emerged from their chrysalises. We fed them sugar water on carnations for a couple of days, and enjoyed watching them flutter about, but we knew that we would have to let them go eventually. My kiddos thought it would be fun to let them go at the park today. So that's what we did!

A couple of them seemed pretty content to remain on the carnations, so I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures! Could this really have been that creepy, crawly caterpillar just a few weeks ago??? Amazing, isn't it?!

I am just in awe of God's amazing creature, the butterfly! This was my 3rd time enjoying the experience of watching caterpillars turn into butterflies, and it never grows old! Just like it never grows old watching a child start with just knowing the letter sounds, and then eventually being able to read stories! It is a wonderful process to watch, and I am so thankful the Lord has given me the opportunity to experience it for 3 years so far.

This saying is so true...

My Kindergarten class started off as tiny little caterpillars. I have watched them go through many stages of learning, and now, finally, I have enjoyed watching them transform into beautiful butterflies! But now, just like we let our butterflies go this morning, I am going to have to let my Kindergarten class go in just a few weeks. It's a bittersweet feeling. I am thrilled with how much they have learned, and I know they will exceed in first grade, but I am going to miss them. I am going to miss them bounding into the classroom each morning, all smiles, excited to start a new day of learning. I am going to miss their conversations, and seeing what their active imaginations will think up next. I am going to miss seeing their little faces light up when I put an A+ on their paper. Oh, it's not like I will never see them again (quite the contrary in fact!), but it will never be the same as our special time in Kindergarten together. I am so thankful for the memories we have created together this year. They shall be cherished forever!

According to our classroom countdown this morning, in just 22 more days, I will be letting go of my "butterflies"....

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