Monday, May 2, 2011

And the Countdown Begins...

It's May. It's the last month of school. I needed a visual motivator. My kiddos needed a visual motivator.

The perfect solution struck me today! My kiddos love picking dandelions, so why not have a dandelion field countdown to the end of school??!! It just so happened that this flower poster board that I made years ago had 32 flowers on it, which is exactly how many days it is till graduation. How cool is that?!

Every day my kiddos will get to pull 1 or 2 flowers off the chart (depending on how many days it has been since the last day of Kindergarten!). To give them some smaller goals, I also added our last 2 field trips to the countdown as well.

When there are 22 flowers left on the board, it will be time for our picnic at the park field trip. When there are only 8 flowers left on the board, it will be time for our special *SECRET" field trip.

And when there are 0 flowers...*gulp* graduation will be upon us!

*Breathe, just breathe*

Countdowns are great! :-)

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