Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Great Field Trip Revelation

My kiddos have been SO anxious to find out what our *SECRET* end-of-the-school year field trip is going to be! I promised them I would tell them when our countdown chart was at the number 16. However, they tried every which way to get me to tell them just a "little" clue before that time!

They quickly resorted to bribery...

* "Miss Follett, I will give you $3 if you tell me what the field trip is!"

* "Miss Follett, if we are REALLY good today, will you tell us what it is?"

* Random hugs started coming my way more and more...

* A note on the board which said, "Tell us the secret" (Although I was impressed they could write that, I wasn't going to let it sway me!)

* A pretty picture complete with hearts and "I Love You!" on the board. (I was touched...but unmoved :P)

Today was finally going to be the day of the Great Field Trip Revelation. They went home on Monday super excited!! They couldn't wait for it to be school again so they could FINALLY find out what is was going to be. Apparently, it had been TORTURE not knowing. (Such a dramatic bunch of kiddos I have!)

When they walked in the classroom this morning, this is what they saw on the board....

Before I told them what it was, I resorted to some bribery of my own. Hey, they did it to me, so it was my turn! I wanted to get a few more pictures of them in their graduation cap and gowns, and I knew this was my moment.

"The sooner you smile for Miss Follett's pictures, the sooner you will find out what the secret field trip is going to be!"

It worked like a charm! Bribery definitely comes in handy sometimes! (Although I prefer the term "Motivation"...sounds more professional!)

So they began guessing the letters for our field trip, and the BIG secret was soon revealed....

They were quite excited when they discovered we are going to the Crayola Factory!

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