Thursday, August 20, 2009


School starts this next week...and I am not teaching. I am not sure if "reality" has sunk in yet for me. I know once school starts, it will probably hit me more so! This week has been "teachers-in-service" week and I just remember how for the last two years, this was always a crazy week for me, making sure the classroom was spotless, the curriculum was all organized, and my brain was in gear. This coming Saturday would be Orientation day, where my students would come excitedly into their new classroom, their backpacks filled with classroom supplies to be shoved in their "new" desks (I had the same desks when I was in Kindergarten so -NO -they are not necessarily new!). They would have huge smiles on their faces as they explored all the fun things to do around the classroom.


I am going to really miss that this year! At the end of the school year last year, I was just so relieved to have survived the year and gotten through the graduation preparations and program, that I wasn't too sad about not having any Kindergarten this year. I would be starting a new line of work, something fresh and exciting, that didn't involve dealing with screaming, hyper kiddos on a daily basis! The grass is always greener on the other side though, right? :)

Don't worry though!! I am enjoying what I am learning in the accounting world - although at times it is still a bit overwhelming - but I think with school starting this next week, I got "bit" by the "teacher bug" again. (And here I just thought it was a mosquito!)

I am thankful that I do still have the chance to help out in the school in a small way, but it won't be the same. Teaching at EBA became my "comfort zone" after two years. Now, my "comfort zone" is slowly being changed into new areas.

This morning, I was reading the devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries, and at the end the questions were asked,

"Are you in a season of being uprooted? Has God re-arranged your plans and your future? Are you struggling to trust His ways?"'s funny how the Lord times things just right! This morning I had been getting all "bent out of shape" wondering how I was going to possibly figure out all the "new things" happening in my life. Change isn't something I seek. I like things to stay the same (boring, I know!) I do enjoy my two new jobs, but right now I am being "uprooted" from the familiar and being planted somewhere in "unknown" territory. However, I am learning that there is nothing wrong with that! I think the Lord does that to us at times, because we get too comfortable with where we are, too secure in our own capabilities, that He has to bring something new into our lives to draw us back to Him in full dependence and surrender.

I may hate change, but change is inevitable, and I can either let it crush me or I can "bloom where I am planted".

(Note to self: *Read this blog entry again as a reminder when you are complaining/panicking about change in the future...Practice what you preach, girl!!!...okay, note to self over now*)

At my church, we have what we call "Super-Duper Cleaning" each August before school begins. Each member is given a certain area of the church that they are responsible to do a thorough cleaning. I had my Kindergarten classroom again this year, and I was working on that yesterday. I think being in that room again, cleaning the shelves, just brought back all the fun memories I have of being in that room with my kiddos! I hope to be in that room again in the future, but we shall see what God has planned. :) Right?! One day at a time, one day at a time...

So as I was reminiscing I decided to look at pictures again and remember the "before and after" look of when it was transformed into a Kindergarten classroom two years ago....



Wow, I didn't expect this blog entry to be so long, but its been awhile since I posted anything. :)


Becky said...

There are no kindergarten students this year which is why I had to find something else to do because EBA couldn't hire me full-time. I DID post about it back in June. You must not have scrolled back far enough the other day when you went searching :P

Here's the link!

Jackie said...

I know change is hard...when I came here I changed churches, states, coasts, jobs, families (single to married) and everything else! It was crazy at times and I terribly missed my routines and comfort zone. Actually, to be honest, although I missed my family and church, I really missed my job! That was the biggest change for me I think, apart from married life. It takes time. Don't worry about admitting you dislike the new job at times. I know some days I enjoyed it and other days I got frustrated and just wanted to do what I already knew instead of try and learn something new.
Hang in there and just remember that Cindy and I understand and will be there for ya any time you need something or just need a break :)

BTW, welcome to BHCP!!! We have fun, drink coffee, and talk way too much :)