Friday, August 28, 2009

Ready or Not...

...the time has come!

Today was Sarah's last official day at work before she heads off to college next week. Wow, this summer has just zoooooooooomed on by! It feels like only yesterday I was stepping into both offices for the first time, and time is officially over. Oh I am sure there will still be issues to deal with...which is why I am glad there are such things as cell phones and email!!

Today some of the lovely ladies of LVBC got together, and we had a special "good-bye" lunch for Sarah. We ordered from Panera Bread...and yes, it was yummy! Because the phones and security doorbell never stop ringing, some of the ladies couldn't be out of the church office, so we had the lunch right in there. We tried to transform the room into a cozy haven by turning off some of the lights, and locking the door so none of the guys could get in. ;-)

Its been a rather stressful week for me with school starting, and my "official" schedule starting to kick in. However, over these past months, Sarah has been an awesome teacher, always enthusiastic about the new things she is teaching me, and I know everything is going to be okay (her cell phone number will be on my speed dial :P)

I just want to say a BIG "Thank You!!!!!" to you, Sarah, for ALL your patience, enthusiasm, encouragement and understanding these past few months as you have trained me in these two new jobs!!

Let the fun begin as we both step out into a time of new and exciting adventures!! :-)

Sarah and I in the Challenge Press office at church

1 comment:

grndmom/pop said...

Becky...thanks (once again) for taking the CHALLENGE :) .. you had a great teacher (& yes, only a dial away -ha ha -) :) I have faith in you -- we have faith in you -- and I thank God that you were willing to fill the void. With much gratitude (more than you will ever know!!) luv, Mrs N