Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Thought Indeed!

I was just figuring out the list of elementary students our school has this year so I could start working on a weekly job schedule for Mrs. Lytle.

And do you know what?!

There are lots of EVEN numbers this year!!!!

There are 16 students....

There are 8 boys and 8 girls....

The Elementary Learning Center splits up the 1st - 3rd grade students and 4th - 6th grade students for various classes and activities.


There are 8 1st - 3rd graders....

There are 4 boys and 4 girls in 1st - 3rd grade....

There are 8 4th - 6th graders...

There are 4 boys and 4 girls in 4th - 6th grade...

This makes me quite happy.

End of story.


Kay said...

There are only 16 kids k-6!? how many are 7-12?

Becky said...

We have a total of 34 students for 1st - 12th grade. No kindergarten students this yeah, the school is definitely getting smaller.