Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Baking Cookies!

Today the girls and I made caramel stuffed apple cider cookies. The PERFECT cookie for this time of year! 

 Each of the girls had a turn to add one or two ingredients...

Once all the ingredients were added, each of the girls had a chance to use the mixer!

While the girls were taking turns adding ingredients, the rest were in the other room playing with toys brought down from the Kindergarten classroom. Most of these toys the girls haven't played with yet, so I thought this would be a good source of entertainment while they waited their turn in the kitchen. Worked out pretty well!

We took a quick break while the girls went outside for recess. When they got back, it was time to roll out the cookie dough and put the caramel squares in the middle! They each had their own cookie sheet, and there was enough dough and caramels for each girl to make 5 cookies. Just the right amount to be enough, but not TOO much :-)

In the afternoon, after the cookies were baked and cooled, we went back downstairs to the kitchen to see them. The girls were soooo ready to sample their cookies!

 Each of the girls ate one cookie, and the rest were put in baggies to give to some of their family members.

If you are curious how the cookies turned out, this may answer your question...

After she ate her cookie, Hope came over to me and said, "Those cookies were awesome!!"

Yep, I would call that a success! :D

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