Friday, September 10, 2010

Field Trip #1

Today the Kindergarten and Elementary classes had their first field trip of the school year. Because of family plans, only Leah and Juliana were able to represent the Kindergarten class on this field trip. However, I am glad both of them were able to come because it was a BUS field trip, and they haven't gotten to experience the thrill of a bus ride like Grace and Aidan have. (They get to ride on a bus each school day!) :-)

Just look at those smiles!! They definitely loved their first ride on the bumpy bus. :-)

We went to the Hay Creek Festival. It is the home of the historic Joanna Furnace, which we got to learn about. Some of the younger students thought that it was the same furnace that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into. We tried to explain that although it might be similar, it wasn't the same one, but I am not sure if the connection was made. Oh least now they will have a visual every time they hear that Bible story!

There were LOTS of things to do and see at the festival. So many workshops and exhibits for the children to experience what life was like back in the "olden days".

Watching a lady weave a scarf...

Pumping water from an old-fashioned water pump...

Learning how to roll out animal fur, which was being used to make some types of hats...

This rather furry rabbit got to depart from some of its fur in the heat of the day. As the lady was talking to the children, she was pulling out clumps of hair and weaving it in with the wool! Yes, the thing on her lap is actually a live rabbit. I have NEVER seen a rabbit with THAT much fur before!

The highlight of the field trip for many of the children was the "stamp treasure hunt" they got to participate in. Throughout the festival there were different stamping stations. At the beginning of our day, each child received a paper that had spaces for different stamps. If you got a stamp from each station, you got a prize. Needless to say, the children were rather motivated to get that paper filled!! Although we ended up having to do some fast-paced walking/running towards the end to get to the last stamp station, each child was able to complete their paper and collect their prize - a candy stick from the "olden days". :-)

It was a great first field trip, but I am looking forward to Field Trip #2 when all 4 Kindergarten kiddos will be able to join in the fun!

Stay tuned for more adventures....:-)

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