Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just Keep Swimming

So this has been an interesting summer so far! I have crammed tons of information into my cranium in regards to these online classes. The accounting world is indeed a complicated world, but I love it because it is an ORGANIZED world! Seriously, the men and women who invented these concepts must have either been extremely organized, or extremely OCD! I still have two major projects due before the classes are over, so right now feelings of "overwhelmed-ness" are creeping in. I have been trying - this week especially - to work ahead in other things so I can dedicate all my brain cells to these projects. It's amazing how inspired I feel when I post the calendar with things due right in front of me. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Today my worlds came crashing together as I contemplated the fact that in a little more than a month, I will be a school teacher, a secretary (2 jobs), and a student of accounting all at the same time!! (Of course they all start with an S (smile)) It was a rather mind-swirling thought! However, I decided to take Dori's advice from the movie Finding Nemo and am going to just keep swimming! :-)


Not A Pillow Snatcher said...

I thought that movie brought up bad memories. ;)

Sarah G said...

you can do it!