Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Know You're A Kindergarten Teacher When...

...You get a package in the mail that contains 2 games entitled "Alphabet Circus" & "Word Chase."

...You order them 6 months before the school year actually begins because you feel the strong need to do SOMETHING in regards to getting ready for Kindergarten!

...You received a gift card for Barnes & Nobles at Christmas, but you didn't spend it on a book or DVD - you spent it on these games.

...You don't consider that a waste of a gift card because watching your students play the games will bring utter joy to your heart.

...You realize that you already have a shelf at school bursting with games, but will find a way to squeeze in 2 more because you know that young children learn best through games and play.

...You can't wait to finish posting this blog entry, because the second you hit the "publish post" button, you will be opening up the games, reading the instructions on how to play both games, and be spending the rest of the evening envisioning how you will incorporate these games into your Phonics classes once the school year begins...6 months from now. :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh can i come to your K-class!?! I wanna play too!!! :)