Friday, February 28, 2014

Numbers Class with Destiny

It's been quite some time since I had a teacher helper in the classroom. It is not for lack of asking on THEIR part, that's for sure! Every day I was enthusiastically asked, "Who is your teacher helper going to be today?!" However, with all the craziness of February with multiple snow days, I just couldn't get it worked out.

Today, though, I promised them that I would start the teacher helper schedule back up. Destiny was quite excited to be the one selected. It was even more exciting for her because today the elementary students had "occupational dress-up day", and she just so happened to dress up as a teacher. She had her very own pointer and everything! :-)

Destiny loved helping during Numbers class. She helped the girls with number flashcard review, count by 5's, work on their addition families, and then even assisted them with their test. She even graded their test papers for me!

1 comment:

HisPrincessWarrior said...

Cute! I'm 21 and, while helping mom homeschool, I STILL love grading papers :) (hugs)