Monday, June 6, 2011

Receiving their Diplomas

After our program was over, we went to the classroom, so I could get the kiddos into their caps and gowns. While we were away, my Dad gave a devotional to the family members and friends in the audience.

Soon it was time to march in! My sister, Alayna, was playing Pomp and Circumstance on the piano as they marched in, so it sounded official. :-)

They lined up in the front of the platform. Mr. Anger called their names one by one, and they would each walk up the steps to the platform, shake his hand, receive their diploma, pause and smile for the cameras. They were so cute up there with their little caps and tassels that kept getting in their faces. :-)

While we were waiting for snack time to begin, we did a quick photo shoot of the graduates by their cake. They were good little troopers as they patiently smiled for multiple cameras!

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