Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Art Project

For Valentine's Day, my kiddos worked on a special project for their parents. On Friday (as you saw earlier) they were painting something red, pink and white. My kiddos were all excited to be doing something "secretive" for their parents. Every year that I have taught Kindergarten I have done a similar project with my kiddos for Valentine's Day. It's a picture frame, which they can paint and then decorate. Inside the picture frame, is a picture of the student holding a Valentine's Bear. They then write the words "I Love You!" either next to the picture or underneath it.

So today was Step #2 of our project - Adding the decorations!

They each got a bag of flower and heart stickers with which to decorate their frame (which I had divided up evenly earlier by color, size etc...partly for their benefit, mostly for OCD me! :-))

The finished products!!!

(P.S. I had to chuckle when I saw the chalkboard in the top corner of this picture. It was from a handwriting assignment earlier, but by the end of today, it should have read, "Miss Follett needs a nap! :-))

Because the pictures are so small in the above picture, I wanted to show you more of a "zoomed-in" look of the picture inside each of their frames. Aren't my kiddos adorable!? :-)

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