Monday, February 14, 2011

Strawberry Jell-O Hearts

In honor of Valentine's Day today, my kiddos and I made strawberry Jell-O hearts. This morning they helped to stir the Jell-O mix and water together in a bowl, and then they each got to scoop the Jell-O into their little individual pans. They were rather meticulous, making sure they each got a FULL scoop of Jell-O into both of their pans! :-)

After letting the Jell-O cool and harden in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, we got out the heart cookie cutters (I seriously have collected about 20 heart cookie cutters of various sizes!). They each chose the size of the heart they wanted to put in their Jell-O. As a result, some got more hearts, less scraps, and others got more scraps, less hearts! But all together, they each had an equal amount of strawberry Jell-O to enjoy this afternoon. Quite important in this Kindergarten classroom, you know! :-)

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