Monday, January 24, 2011

Making Snowmen (The Cotton Ball Kind)

Today my kiddos made cotton ball snowmen. With a pile of snow outside and another pile of snow supposedly on the way, it was a very appropriate art activity for this afternoon! However, these snowmen were soft and sticky on the hands rather than cold and numbing!

Here are the finished products...

But of course, it's not really about the product, is it? It's all about the process!

Cutting out the hat, nose, mouth, eyes, and buttons

Tracing out their snowman's body (lids work great!)

Squeezing glue all over their snowman

Sticking on the fluffy cotton balls and the other various snowman parts :-)

Chatting together while they work on their project

The process is always so much fun to watch! If I had only posted a picture of the finished product, it just wouldn't have been complete! Of course, there are no pictures of the sticky, cottony hands, the smears of glue all over the desks, and the scraps of paper and cotton balls on the floor. That's all part of the process too, you know! ;-)

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