Wednesday, January 20, 2010

TV Causes Teacher Inspiration

Can't you just see that title making headlines? :)

Sometimes throughout the week, I like to take a moment or two and just peek inside the Kindergarten classroom. As much as I am glad that it is being used for Sunday School, chapel and some other classes, I really miss claiming it as my own! Today as I was glancing inside the room, my eyes lighted on something new sitting in the corner of the room. The old, OLD TV had been replaced with this one!!!

It has both a VHS and a DVD player!!! Yes, I realize that you probably don't feel the excitement as much as I do, but let me tell you, I am excited!! Considering the fact that the old VCR literally ate the video I showed at the elementary Christmas party, I wasn't sure what I was going to do about this coming year. My kiddos really enjoy watching Bible videos during rest time!

Needless to say, seeing this new TV started my mind swirling with all sorts of plans for this next school year. Yes, I realize its still months away, and there are still lots of decisions to be made before that time, but it sure is fun to reminisce and start Kindergarten planning in my mind once again!