Friday, September 12, 2014

Quiet Valley Farm

Today the Elementary students took a step back in time, and got to explore a farm complete with an 1800's family giving us the grand tour.

Some of things they enjoyed learning:

* How farmers planted & plowed the fields
* How corn got shelled and ground
* How butter got churned
* How animals were cared for
* How food was cooked over a fire
* How cups, utensils, bowls and candles were made
* How sheep wool was spin into yarn and weaved on a loom
* What attending a 1800's one-room schoolhouse would be like

Some of the things they enjoyed seeing:

* Honking geese, horses, ducks, chickens, rabbits, HUGE pigs, and mules
* 1800's barn
* 1800's house's kitchen and bedroom
* Different eggs found on the farm
* An old well

Some of the things they enjoyed doing:

* Jumping in a haystack
* Playing with homemade toys
* Petting Janie, the mule
* Having a lesson in multiplication, fractions, geography and spelling in a one-room schoolhouse
* Using an outhouse (well, perhaps they didn't enjoy THAT too much ;-))

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